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Article 1: Preamble
- The “Jokadou Development Association”, is an apolitical and non-religious association established in the spirit of mutual understanding, respect and cooperation for our common interest and to promote unity and development within the district.
Article 2: Name and Registered Address
- The name of the association shall be “Jokadou Development Association”, and shall be abbreviated as (JDA).
- The address of the association shall be at:
Kerr Jarga Village Community Centre,
Jokadou District,
North Bank Region
The Gambia
Article 3: Emblem/Logo
3.1 The emblem of the association shall be designed by the Executive Committee.
Article 4: Aims and Objectives:
- To promote development within the people and residents of the district;
- To promote the culture and tradition through the use of songs, dance, stories, drama and festivals;
- To foster unity and understanding among people through radio and TV talk shows;
- To embark on field and school visits to communities within the district;
- To unify and collaborate with the existing associations and other stakeholders;
- To organise inter school, cluster and district competitions and award deserving students;
- To organise sport competitions among villages in the district;
- To liaise with NGOs to promote agriculture, education and health within the district;
- To sensitize communities on the effects and preventions of climate change and other environmental hazards;
- To compliment government in the promotion of women empowerment and the attainment of Millennium Development Goals and the National Development Plan;
- To promote youth development, micro-finance, entrepreneurship and small scale business among people of the district;
- To facilitate intervention during emergency and disasters among the people of the district;
- To educate and enlighten the people of the district on democracy, human rights, law and justice;
- To organise others activities as deem necessary by the executive committee and general membership;
- To center all its activities and development programmes within the district.
Article 5: Membership:
- The membership of this association is open to all persons.
- Every member shall pay a registration fee of D50.
- The Executive committee or General Assembly may charge other fees when necessary.
- There shall be 17 executive members and where one ceased to be a member, the Executive Committee may nominate a member for the vacancy until when a General Assembly is convene.
- There shall be 2 focal representatives out of the 17 executive committee in these areas namely; Kerr Jarga Ward and Dasilameh Ward.
Article 6: Executive committee
The executive committee shall compose of the following portfolios:
- Vice Chairperson
- Secretary general
- Assistant secretary general
- Treasurer
- Assistant Treasurer
- Auditor
- Public relation officer (PRO)
- Assistant PRO
- Social Secretary
- 4 Advisers
- 2 Focal Representatives
- Ex-officio member
Article 7: Individual Responsibilities
1. Chairperson:
- He/she shall not vote unless when there is a tie.
- Shall serve as the chair to all meetings of the association.
- Shall represent the association in conferences and seminars both national and international.
- Shall serve as a signatory to the association account.
- The Chairperson in consultation with the secretary shall draft agendas for meetings.
- Shall endeavor to maintain good working relationship within and outside the association.
- Shall carryout any other function or duties assigned by the general body.
- Declare the quorum of meetings.
- Chairperson in consultation with the secretary shall convene all meetings.
- Can delegate his/her functions to the vice chairperson or any executive member.
2. Vice Chairperson:
- In absence of the Chairperson or inability to act, the Vice Chairperson shall chair all meetings.
- Shall carryout any other function assigned by the Chairperson or the Executive.
- Shall serve as the replica to the chairperson in his/her absence.
3. Secretary General:
- Shall be responsible for recording and keep all minutes of meetings
- Keep all records of the association.
- He or she shall be responsible for correspondence and administrative work of the association.
- Shall be a signatory to the association account.
- Shall be responsible for drafting all agendas in consultation with the Chairperson;
- Shall be required to prepare an annual report of the association activities of any outgoing year.
- Shall be required to make an activity report at every general meeting.
- Shall carryout any other function assign by the general body.
4. Assistant Secretary:
- In absence of the Secretary General or inability to act, the assistant secretary shall perform all the functions of the secretary general.
- He or she shall take the responsibility of the secretary general assigned to him or her.
- Shall carryout any other function assign by the general body.
5. Treasurer
- Shall be required to keep financial records, keep account books in order and prepare statement of account that may be required either by the executive or the association and shall be accountable for all financial transactions of the association.
- Shall make a financial report at every general meeting.
- Shall advice the association on financial matters.
- Shall receive all the monies of the association and keep it in the association`s bank account.
- May reconcile the accounts of the association.
- Shall assume any other function assign by the general body or Executive.
- Shall be a signatory to the association account.
- Assistant Treasurer
- In absence of the treasurer or inability to act, the assistant treasurer shall perform all the functions of the treasurer.
- He or she shall take the responsibility of the treasurer assigned to him or her.
- Shall carryout any other function assigned by the executive committee or general body.
6. Auditor:
- Shall examine and verify all financial transaction and records.
- Shall prepare and present audit reports during congresses.
- Shall notify the executive through a management letter on matters arising from the audits.
- Shall carry out all the auditing procedures of the association.
7. Public Relation Officer (PRO):
- Shall serve as a link between the association and the general public
- Shall serve as the spokesperson for the association
- Shall be responsible for information dissemination for the association
- Advise the association on matters of public relations.
- Shall be responsible for building good image of the association
- He or she shall execute any other function assign by the general body.
- Assistant PRO:
- In absence of the PRO or inability to act, the assistant PRO shall perform all the functions of the PRO.
- He or she shall take the responsibility of the PRO assigned to him or her.
- Shall carryout any other function assigned by the general body.
- Social Secretary:
- Shall advise the executive on all matters relating to social issues.
- Shall be responsible to facilitate social functions and activities such as public meetings & cultural events, visits and other activities.
- He or she shall prepare fundraising events annual to raise fund for the association
- Shall oversee the developmental projects of the association.
- He or she shall execute any other function assign by the general body.
- Shall advise the executive on any decision to make.
- Shall serve as advisers to the association on every act or omission thereof.
- May attend all Committee meetings of the association;
- Shall perform such functions as may be assigned by the Committee
- Focal Representatives
- He or she shall be resident in the community.
- He or she shall be the focal person between the association and members’ resident in the community.
- He or she shall mobilise all activities of the association in the community.
- He or she shall conduct meeting every three months in the community.
- He hall formulate an area-committee at the community to manage the affairs of the association.
- He or she shall be a member of the general executive.
- He or she shall be the chair of the area-committee.
- He or she shall present report to the executive at every executive meeting.
- Ex- officio member
- He or she shall be liaison between the association and the Kerewan Area Council.
Article 8: Termination and suspension of Membership:
- Membership can be terminated through the following:
- Any member found to have committed any illegal act that can put the association in disrepute shall lose his or her membership.
- An executive member shall be removed from his or her service if he or she is found incompetent to deliver anymore subject to the 2/3 majority vote of Executive members.
- Any executive member, who resigns or is move or lost his or her membership, shall surrender the association assets within seventy-two hours.
- An executive Member shall be relieved from the position of the association if he or she is found to be mentally unsound.
- Membership can be terminated if the member fails to adhere to the constitution of the association.
- Any member found to have used the association’s name, stamp or logo for his or her personal interest shall lose his or her membership.
- The executive Committee or the general membership by a 2/3 majority may choose to take legal actions against persons who is fraudulent or mismanage, embezzle or cause loss of funds to the association.
Article 9: Meetings
- Executive committee shall meet once every calendar month.
- General meetings shall be rotational and convened every three calendar months.
- Emergency meetings can be conveyed by the executive or the general membership when the needs arise.
- All decisions shall be approved by a simple majority vote.
- There shall be financial and activity report in every general meeting.
Article 10: Quorum
- The quorum for all meeting shall be simple majority of the membership and any decision made is final and binding.
- Quorum in the Executive Committee shall be simple majority of all members of the Executive Committee.
- In case of emergency, If the quorum is lack the Chairperson shall decide whether to continue with the meeting or not, and any decision made may be overruled by the Executive committee.
Article 11: Tenure of office
- The tenure of office for the executive members shall be maximum two terms of three years.
- The outgoing executive shall hand over all responsibilities/materials or reports to the incoming committee, within two (2) weeks.
Article 12: Annual General Meeting
- Congress shall be the general assembly of all members of the association.
- Congress shall be the highest decision making body of the association.
- Congress shall be convened annually upon a notice of one month to all members.
- Congress shall consider the progressive reports of the association.
- Congress shall ratify the appointment of nominees of the Executive Committee to the committees.
- Congress shall consider and decide all Executive Proposals regarding the laying down of policies.
- Subject to the provisions of this constitution, decisions at congress shall be by simple majority.
Article 13: Powers and Functions of the General Assembly
- The general membership shall have the power to discipline any member or remove an executive member from office with two-third majority vote of the members present.
- Adopt the agenda proposed by the executive committee.
- Consider and adopt the general reports and financial reports to be presented by the secretary general and treasurer respectively.
- Elect and endorse the members of the executive committee.
- Consider proposals for amendment of the constitution and resolution by the executive committee.
- Consider and approve proposals submitted by the executive committee.
- Discuss any other issue relevant to the effective functioning of the association.
Article 14: Rights and Duties of members
- The exercise and enjoyment of rights are inseparable from the performance of duties and obligations and accordingly every member shall:
- Uphold the prestige and good reputation ofthe association and respect for authority
- Foster unity, harmony, respect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interest of others and refrain from acting in a manner detrimental to the welfare of members.
- Serve the community by working conscientiously in their given responsibilities.
- Protect and preserve the properties of the association, and refrain from the misuse and waste of resources.
Article 15: Finance:
- The association shall organize fund raising activities to acquire funds.
- The association shall also acquire funds through membership fees and other contributions to be agreed by the Executive Committee.
- The association shall accept contribution from anywhere, provided that the principles and integrity of the association will not be at stake.
- All financial activities must be handle strictly by the elected treasurer.
- Association funds shall be spent on its members and other developmental and social activities to be determined by the general assembly.
- The association shall open and maintain its own bank account.
Article 16: Dissolutions and liability:
- Debts of the association shall be settle before winding up.
- In case of dissolution Members shall be liable to pay debts of the association.
- A two third majority shall determine the dissolution of the association.
- The dissolution shall come in effect after 120 days after the General Assembly and members shall be liable to pay all the loans of the association before winding up.
- After winding up, assets of the association shall be distributed to other similar associations and in the absence of such it shall be handed to recognized charitable organisations.
Article 17: Amendments:
- Amendments made by the committee shall be forwarded to congress wherein a two-third (2/3) shall approve it.
Amending involves the removal, modification or simplification of the word or clause or phrase in any section of this constitution.
- Amendment without approval of two-third of congress delegate is null and void.
© Jokadou Development Association 2020
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